Remember these Anchorage, Alaska Stores?
What stores do you remember in Anchorage? Take a trip down memory lane to your favorites in this edition of the Alaska VIP Club.
In the photo above is 4th Avenue in Anchorage. Do you remember the bank in the picture above had a fish tank filled with rainbow trout next to the sidewalk?
Over the years, things have changed in our town.
So, in this edition, Mary and I decided to take you on a trip down memory lane. When you and your family went shopping in Anchorage, what stores were your favorites?
We’re going to name some of them and leave the memories to you.
Gary King’s
The sign in the picture above was neon, and it would light up the skier as he skied down the hill.
Even if you didn’t ski, you know about Gary King’s.
Here are Store Names You May Remember
Jay Jacob
Mode-O-Day on 4th Avenue
Bert’s Cards and Gifts moved from downtown to Spenard after the 1964 earthquake
Brady’s Floor Covering, “Under the arrow at 5th and Barrow”
McKay’s Hardware on Fireweed
Monty’s Department Store at 4th and A street
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And in the Spring of 1961
the First Escalator was Introduced to Anchorage
Pictured above is the escalator in Caribou’s Department Store in Spenard.
When Caribou’s Department Store announced the grand opening of its store escalator, it seemed like a theme park ride had opened and most of the town turned out to ride it.
And Do You Remember these Stores?
The Hat Box
Brewster’s in Mountain View
Long’s Drugs
The Book Cache
Eberhard’s Sport Shop on Fireweed
Hewitt’s on 4th Avenue before the 1964 earthquake
Blain’s Paint Store in Spenard
Pictured above is Blain’s Paint Store on the first floor. The second floor was the home of several teen nightclubs, including, “The Royal Pad” and, “The Cinnamon Cinder”.
Betty Faris Apparel in downtown Anchorage
Piggly Wiggly grocery
Kimball’s Dry Goods, located downtown
The Bi Lo Grocery stores
Barrett’s Office Supply on 5th Avenue
Now Your Memories will Add to this List
You have probable already begun to enjoy memories of the places you recall in Anchorage.
Now Let’s Hear from Our North Stars (that’s You)
From our 60th Anniversary of the 1964 Earthquake
“Yes, I'm a survivor. We lived in a mobile home at the top of the hill on Northern Lights Blvd (where Aurora Village is now). We were lucky since the home rocked and rolled with the quake but didn't receive a lot of damage.
I was in the bathtub when it started. I got out and made it to the bedroom I shared with my little sister. Thankfully, she was outdoors with my mother.
Somehow I managed to save her little tea set by tossing it into her bed. After that, I laid down on the floor. My father was just outside in a storeroom where we kept an upright freezer. The door flew open, hit his backside and knocked him out the door. Fortunately, he wasn't hurt.
After it stopped, the silence was overwhelming-as though the world had stopped completely.”
And Steve sent us this picture
“Same exact spot I was 60 years later.”
A Note from Mike and Mary:
We received some longer replies to our earthquake edition that we will be doing something special with. More on that later.
Connecting with Mike and Mary
Did the names of some of your favorite stores in Anchorage, bring back a flood of memories?
By now, you probably have your list. Tell us about it.
Send us your comments by replying to this email. Or Contact Us to say,
“I’m ready for a list of Anchorage restaurants next time.”
Until Next Time
Mike and Mary
Mobley’s Variety on Muldoon next to Proctors orginal location on Muldoon
Stores are many…..Roberts toys stores,Sports villa,Brusters for kids clothes. Caribous,Woolworths downtown,going clear out to Mountain View for A&W root beer.